This is a good one.

I wouldn't normally share a dates name on here but this is just too good not to share. His name was Donny and he looked just liked Donny Osmand! In fact I have a friend I give all my dates information before I leave for the date and give her everything from his profile and she logged onto my account and was like yeah I knew it must be him.

I looked hot for this date okay! He picked me up and had a place in mind, the place was a fairly busy area in Long Beach and it took us forever to find parking. Then we showed up at the place. It was sushi. I try not to eat sushi on a first date but you know if a guy doesn't give you a choice what are you going to do!!

Dinner went fine actually he told me a crazy story about his friend going on a date and when she didn't want to date a guy a second time he mailed her and itemized list of everything she owed him.

He did make one snide comment about how its stupid people take pictures of their food and me being sassy as crazy I took out my phone and did just that. 

We decided to walk to the beach and hang out. Let me give you a piece of advice you know those romantic beach scenes you see?

THEY LIE!!!!!!

We went at night, it was dark, the sand was cold and wet. Also let me point out that I am in date clothes a maxi dress and a denim jacket, not very warm. We sat there for hours holding hands and then talking and then out of nowhere he attacked my face with his face!

as in all of a sudden I am laying in the sand and he is on top of me. I guess the kissing wasn't horrible. He tasted like Broccoli cheese soup which I typically like and all but between that and being imprinted in cold wet sad my focus was not where it should be.

After much longer then it should of been (do you not feel my teeth chattering) I asked if we could go we made the walk back and came across the busy section where we had eaten Sushi. It was Midnight and it was in full club mode and drunk people were everywhere. My focus became not getting run into by one of them.

We came across a club that had a huge line. Donny was able to squeeze through but I had to go around. By the time I got back to him I saw this:


I thought maybe the knew each other.

Well this guy is now losing a tooth and his friend and him is now following my date and then they see me and start saying sorry and I say

"oh its cool" because I have no idea what is going on

and the guys are following us so I can't ask.

Once we get back to the car I asked what that was about and he says

"that guy just bummed into me and thats not cool"

Now mind you I had just moved to the area and didn't know anyone which means I now had to ride in the car home with a guy and hold his hand that punches people (knocks out their teeth) because a very drunk guy "bumps into them"

I just went home and was like what in the world just happened. I was also thankful he must of thought I was a bad date because he didn't try and call me again (maybe it was the photo of our food I took)


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