Disappointed, drained, and doubtful

I went from possibly having the best date ever to having the most typical date ever to now being reduced to a booty call. Yeah now he just wanted to come over and have sex with me.

Yeah we had discussed it and while I for me find its good to know that your on the same page there and for us Disabled peeps you often find yourself proving that you can be this sexual person.

I worried about it but then I realized they say that the first time you start talking online is like getting to know someone on a first date so we had been talking for three weeks so if that was the case of course we would be all over each other at this point.

We ended up getting into this deep conversation about it and he kept begging me not to break his heart. Is it bad I wanted to answer with song lyrics but after being heartfelt it would go back to sex talk so are you saying the former just so you can get the ladder?

I cried and contacted two of my best friends I knew were up and they were super supportive.

We decided to wait until we knew if it was the few drinks he had been drinking that was doing the talking. So far I've gotten the typical how is your day. I really started to like this guy and I can't say I had liked someone like this in a while now. I can't help but feel disappointed by him and drained.

also you can't help but wonder did you cause this, was the signs here all along, what happened that you suddenly became not only worthy of trying to impress you but worthy of a drink and the thing I have come to learn about dating is

also guys no one wants you to send nude pics and we don't want to send them either. This does nothing for us like oh you sent me a butt shot....what do I say "wow you have a great ass" let us do all that in person.

and not only has a guy proved he's a dick but this also means no magic castle. It feels like the end but I am going to give it one more shot but I can't help but feel that the dream of him and I and the magic castle are over.


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