Things we need to learn when it comes to dating in a digital age
1. “I don’t want to seem eager…” – why? I mean really, I think this is so silly. If you’re into someone - be into the someone! Let yourself be eager. Tell them you want to see them again. Be real. Guess what? If they is also into you, they are going to love that eagerness. And if not? Better to know now.
To hell with the “hold off before I ruin things” mindset! Showing someone you are into them and want to spend more time with them will not ruin things…. unless they are doomed already (meaning: you read the situation wrong and they actually isn’t that into you. It happens.)
2. “Maybe they are just working a lot?” – nope. I mean, there are periods of time when I am very busy and working a lot and have lots of things going on but you know what? I can always find 15 seconds to respond to a text. even if the response is “hey - I’m super busy at work but will get back to you later.” Seriously - 15 seconds or less it takes to text that, even if you have 2 broken fingers and no thumb.
When two people genuinely are interested in each other, the timing and frequency of texts really doesn’t matter because both people are just pumped to hear from the other person. For real!
Texts are really hard to decipher, especially when you are just getting to know someone and how they talk and what their cadence is and blah blah blah… Don’t read too much into texts in the early stages. You’re just setting yourself up for some intense over analyzing that isn’t necessary and doesn’t serve to help you in any way. Base decisions on in-person interaction.
You can let someone come to you if you want, but it sounds a little like playing games to me. I mean, it shouldn’t be this hard…. plus: don't you want to be with someone who is thrilled to be with you?
Do what you feel is right in your gut and if that is letting someone come to you, will you promise me something? While you’re waiting around to see what happens, please go on a date with someone else. It will keep your mind off this person and will give you some good perspective. Good luck :)