Why I write letters to those in my future

Doubt and fear are bound to invade our existence from time to time. You have to have the dark to balance the light. Whenever I’m feeling down, especially about love, I re-read old posts, check out other similar people that post the same thing sometimes I write it down and say "yes I want that too." Doing that when I am down sooner or later, I’m bound to have a smile on my face.
I write this because I need to get it out of my system. When I’m overwhelmed with stress or other negative emotions, (even when it’s pure joy) it’s easier to pour my heart out here than it would be to my buddies sometimes. I truly believe that it’s possible that I’ve already met him. Sometimes I think I have yet to meet him. The awesome thing is, we’re both finding our ways to each other. I don’t know when or who or how, but I do know it will happen.
