Time to move on.

I gave myself a time line to when I was going to stop wallowing in my loss of you. When I was going to stop wondering how your doing. To stop looking up advice whenever I got bored. To see if I could get you to think of me. Well it was going to be moving day when I am going to just do a full on makeover but some things happened today and I decided to start early. RIGHT NOW. from this moment no more putting myself in places to that make me think of you. Sure you were a huge part of my life so you'll cross my mind but with my new start maybe you'll only cross it when I watch Wreck it Ralph or when I smell coffee. I promise from now on when I see those things to not focus about how your not in my life but that you once were and I'll smile.
I will always remember the very first time we met and when I drive past the airport I promise to picture when I fist saw you because its one of my happiest memories, the very first time my lips touched your lips, the very first time you wrapped your arms around me and rested your head on my shoulder. Your smile your way of looking at me will always be fresh in my memories. There are so many lovely memories but the fact remains the memories are not enough to bind us for rest of our lives. I still have some hope deep in my heart that someday my fate will bring you back in my arms. I will hold our emails as a standard for the next guys coming into my life. The picture of your charming smile keep flashing back in front of my eyes; though I know things will never be the same.
It’s been a long time that I saw your lovely face; no matter for how many more months I won’t get to see my memories will never fade away. I leave everything on the destiny; I am sure you still think about me. Though over a period of time I have realized the bitter truth that we can’t be together. I won’t hesitate to say that I am still hanging on to hope, but you can only hold on so long.
I will never have any regrets in life of letting you in to see sides of me that no one else has… of holding you in my arms of dreaming to be with you forever..till the time I am no longer alive..
Wish you all the best

Goodbye goober head.