quotes, because sometimes you just need to hear it

“You must do everything you can to get what you want and need, to find “that type of love.” It’s there for you…. I do know that we are here, all of us — beasts and monsters and beauties and wallflowers alike — to do the best we can. And every last one of us can do better than give up…. You’re going to have to be brave. You’re going to have to walk into the darkest woods without a stick.. You will be likewise transformed, the same as love transforms us all. But you have to be fearless enough to let it transform you… put your best self out there with as much transparence and sincerity and humor as possible….Walk without a stick into the darkest woods. Believe that the fairy tale is true..” —Dear Sugar
"I can tell you that you will have your heart broken more by the people you love than by the people you hate. But you must still dare to love. The rewards are worth far more than the risks."-Margaret Peterson Haddix
“Anything I ever learned comes down to something pretty simple: Don’t anticipate life; meet it. When you try to anticipate, you’re being an idiot, because nobody’s got the brain to outwit nature. I’m talking here about patience, about believing in yourself. I’m talking here about having the courage to wait. You will get what you deserve.”-rob steiger
“Things just don’t work out. That’s the most simple explanation for life. You can dwell on why something that didn’t or shouldn’t have happened, but it did. So just move on. You can sit there crying over someone who did you wrong, or you can go out and live life to it’s fullest. Everyone needs reasons why things are the way that they are, but over thinking over powers your brain. It gets you hanging onto the past when what you really need to be doing is moving forward and focusing on greater things. When things don’t work out, find something that will.”-via.
“Every experience in life, everything with which we have come in contact in life, is a chisel which has been cutting away at our life statue, molding, modifying, shaping it. We are part of all we have met. Everything we have seen, heard, felt, or thought has had its hand in molding us, shaping us."
-Orison Swett Marden