Dates I love

Once upon a time there was a high school theatre girl growing up in Pacific Northwest. I got a lot of magazines as a teen so many I can't remember this life changing one but oh it was. It was a holiday magizene and filled with to-do list, things to do during the Holiday, things to do to make yourself a better person, and teenage me was bound and determined to do them all. What I loved about this was that it took me out of my comfort zone. Some things were hard I lived in a small town, I remember we couldn't find a certain vegetable.

Well a monster was born. I LOVE LIST and I have a list for everything and I love finding other list!

I found some for dates you should go on and they have been sitting on my pinterest forever because you know no one stuck but I was going through them last night and one list is so not me or takes a lot of work (line dancing, make a shaving cream tarp slide fun but not really going to happen) but I did find another one and most we have already done. We could do the others!

I love that its not planned out and a lot of these things happen organically. It might be helping me get rid of (a few) list.

I thought I would share a few of my favorite dates that we have gone on in case you need a date list to help you think of ideas as well.

Visit the antique store – so much fun. I'm dating a history major with a love of old things which is great for me because I am a history nerd who loves old things, one day he said lets go to an antique store. We have done this a few times and its so fun to wander around. We live in L.A. so people charge insane amounts for things so we don't buy things but we wonder around and look. I want to start checking out flee markets for the same thing and maybe it will be like a treasure hunt and we can find something more to what we can afford. 

Work on a home improvement project together. I am dating a guy who is very handy which is a huge turn on. I live with two of the laziest males in the world and I am pretty fix it myself type, I once fixed a toilet!! So its nice that I have someone that works on projects with me and enjoys it because sometimes I just need a little help! 

Look at houses you would buy and dream of your future home. This one may seem a bit early since its only been 5 months, but it kinda just happened. My mother and grandma has been watching HGTV shows and boring me to death for as long as I can remember but then magically along came JoJo and Chip to make me love a Home improvement show (its all about funny guys for me) and I love the home design. One morning after making breakfast I noticed it was on Netflix and got super excited and convinced him to watch it with me and now we're both hooked. He might mock it a bit (and keep me laughing) but we talk about home design and we agree on a lot which is kinda great. One day I said "look at that beautiful brick" and he said thats something I would say. I think his crush on me got a bit larger. 

Pick out a new bottle of wine to try. Or go to a wine tasting! This one was spontaneous! We were driving back from Thanksgiving up in Washington and driving through a bit of California wine country when the goober said "lets stop and get wine somewhere" we had been planning a Christmas dinner of our own before we went our separate ways to spend the holidays with family so we thought a nice bottle of wine would go perfect for this. After looking up on the GPS we found a little local place that was new and small and went in for a tasting. They guy actually let us do this for free and we bought a nice bottle of wine, which was all the more special for our dinner because it had this really nice memory attached to it. 

Write a list of things you dream of doing in the future together. We don't have a list, unless you count my pinterest board I go off but we do talk about this all the time. We talk about it so often that we tend to forget what all is on that list, plus also we talk about a lot of things. we'll get around to it all eventually. 

Have a picnic. We did this for our second date with his friends and went to Shakespeare in the park. Then the friend who urged me to join tinder where we met wanted to double date picnic on labor day (I made sure this was okay since that was right when we started dating) and we went and it was really fun! Later we started taking a friend to dog parks and walking them and one day he stopped by and picked us up lunch and we ate in the park! 

Go to a concert or music event. We had a plan to go to a Metal concert on Halloween but Goober changed his mind and we went to the queen Mary instead. We did go to a Black Sabbaath Female cover band at the Viper room the night before which was really really fun! I hope we do more of this! 

Take goofy pictures together. We do this a lot and post on social media so much that a common question I have been asked lately "whose this guy I keep seeing in your photos" 

Visit a tourist attraction in your city and go sightseeing. We have done this a bit but want to do it more. Even going on a tour around the city!! 

Take a drive. I am dating a dude who loves to just take a drive. We have a great time just seeing the city, listening to music, and talking. We never know where its going to take us. 

Go out for ice cream – or fro-yo…mmm…my favorite – or your favorite dessert! We love Dessert. We go out for Pie, we go out for Fro Yo (I mix it better so I am the queen of froyo and we share) we eat a lot of dessert....
Go to a local event or festival. We are always trying to keep up with these and check things out. We plan to go to 20s themed one in a couple of months. We went to a Beverly Hills art show it was fun to just walk around and look at things, I learned a lot about his art style and we ate at Lobster food truck. Its just fun! 

Walk around your favorite store and go shopping…or window shopping. One of the things I love most about him is that everything is an adventure like going to the Grocery store or searching for costume ideas  at thrift stores.  Its so simple but can be a grand adventure. 

Visit the local art museum. We did this at LACMA and want to do more. We had the most expensive pizza and they even had a WATER MENU!!  Again you walk around you talk, you see things, you learn things from each other! 

Go to a coffee shop and catch up on life. Sometimes it’s nice to just talk. I am dating a coffee lover so this happens quite often and its really nice! 

Plan your next vacation together. Its so fun to plan trips together. Its also fun to change them as you go and explore. 

Volunteer for a service project together. I already went to a monthly beach cleanup before we met but now he joins me and its become even more fun, we've talked about finding others!! 

Try a new restaurant or explore a new place you haven’t visited nearby. We do this a lot!! 

although in 2016 we decided to cook more and eat more healthy. What we cook together seems to be better than eating out anyways! But we'll go out a few times and it will make it more special.

Take a road trip. We did this over Thanksgiving, I can't even tell you how wonderful, fun, and how much it brought us closer. 


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