Fill it out!!!
You know what slays me about a number of profiles I come across on all of these dating sites and apps? The people who just can’t be bothered with filling anything out. There are so many excuses.
Just ask is the most common.
Or I am bad at answering questions and filling these out
People love to say things like, “I’m an open book in person” or “I’ll answer all of your questions when we meet.” Guess what guys? No chance in hell we’re meeting if you can’t even fill out a small part of your profile.
Really, bro? Then why are you even on this site?
I hate talking about myself
Newsflash: there are very few people who enjoy talking about themselves, yet we still manage to think of something.
I also love the guys with no photos or a photo of them where you can't see well
No. No. Wait, is that really you in the picture? Mmmm. yeah no. You have to give me a little something to work with here.
Just ask is the most common.
Or I am bad at answering questions and filling these out
People love to say things like, “I’m an open book in person” or “I’ll answer all of your questions when we meet.” Guess what guys? No chance in hell we’re meeting if you can’t even fill out a small part of your profile.
Really, bro? Then why are you even on this site?
I hate talking about myself
Newsflash: there are very few people who enjoy talking about themselves, yet we still manage to think of something.
I also love the guys with no photos or a photo of them where you can't see well
No. No. Wait, is that really you in the picture? Mmmm. yeah no. You have to give me a little something to work with here.
Quick question for all these guys: why are you even online dating in the first place?
Seriously - it’s not a big surprise/gotcha! moment that these sites all ask you to fill out personal information in some sort of profile. You have to give the ladies something to go on! Pics in and of themselves are just not enough. Plus, we all know that everyone uploads the best pictures of themselves and more times than not, they are not truly representative of the person.
So we need words.
That describe you.
In some capacity.
If you can’t be bothered to put forth the smallest bit of effort in this regard, I just assume you are illiterate or lazy or not serious or just here to browse or whatever. And I will not engage with you. At all. I value my time see and it can’t be wasted on someone who can’t take 5 minutes to write down a list of things they like to do. It doesn’t even have to be complete sentences! Jesus.
The end.
Also lately I have had guys with names like, Marriage Material or looking for the one