The funny thing about body image

My doctor has had concerns about my weight because the heavier I get the harder it will be to get around with my Cerebral Palsy. The above phone was my lowest weight. I hated my arms, I hated the tummy but I learned to embrace it.

I have a boyfriend now which means endless access to food I love. Something I didn't really have before so here I am 50 pounds heavier. My doctor wants me to lose weight but isn't the most supportive (I actually am in the process of switching doctors) right now we are trying the Keto diet and I am getting back into doing yoga (getting sick and a December of doing nothing didn't help anything)

 You know whats funny though I am most comfortable in my body now at my heaviest then I was in the top photo. I have surrounded myself with body positivity like above and its worked. I am going to party this weekend in a see through top something I wouldn't have done ever at my 50 pounds lighter.

I am working on getting healthy but I am not going to hate myself in the process. 


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