No rules

So I don't really think their are rules in life. No love story is the same. I don't think their are things to do about love, which is why my best friend shouldn't feel bad when he can't give me advice on what to do.


My brother thinks that he is in control of who he is going to love. I feel I don't have that control and I think that is okay. I think we are both allowed to feel that way and live our lives that way. People might think its Stupid that my mom has fallen in love with a guy she has known 5 months on the internet and never met and they are planning a life together. Well I think that that is okay.


I mean some people tell you don't wait no regrets, and some people tell you keep waiting they'll come. Do they hash out this advice because it works for them but may not work for them? I have friends that knew eachother a month before getting married and are still happy. I know people that dated a year and then got married and is now divorced. I know people that will never get married and be happy. and It seems as if there is no rules to follw and everyone is perfectly happy.


I've always been told I didn't do things by the book as far as thing with my disablity. I was not like most kids. and I don't think I really live the life that "I'm suppose to" so maybe that is the thing.

I mean and people talk about one day Soy milk is good for you, then the next its bad, look if Soy milk makes you feel good drink it, if it makes you feel like crap then don't I think that is the thing we just have to do what feels good for us and not follow some rules, at least that is what I am starting to think.

Sure there are things that everyone should follow to be healthy I believe that but I think that everything does need to work around you on some level.


Friendships don't have rules either. I recently read that Jennifer Aniston judges a guy by if he has long standing friendships. I thought about this for awhile and wondered if it was unfair. What if that guy at one point hung out with the wrong crowd and decided to change his life for the better? What if he had to get away from them so he started new friendships that haven't yet the chance to stand the chance of time.

I used to think that real friendship is like what you might see on tv or a movie. The best friend you've had for years. The friend you do everything with. and sure I have had those in my life but I can't say I have that now.

I've had to burn bridges with friends. I've grown apart from friends. My best friend lives on the other side of the country and I consider myself lucky if I see him once a year.

and sometimes someone you might not have considered a close friend you come together to have dinner because you happen to be in the same town and you find that you have a lot in common and you build a friendship.

I just don't think there are rules. This is probably why I can't read Self Help books. although I did have one that I loved but she often stated "I'm not trying to tell you what to do I'm just saying it might help you survive your 20's"



I don't think there are time lines you need to get things done in life. I mean if that were the case coming from the town I came from I would be married with lots of babies by now (and sure they shun me for this) that just wasn't in the time line for me.


I don't think you have to have a job by a certain time (My freak out on the plane probably helped with this one) I mean we all take different roads I think and paths in life and our roads are different. Some of us our on Freeways zooming fast. Some of us on on that back wood bumpy road coming across some pot holes and things that might slow us down.


I don't really know. I mean do any of us? but what I am saying is maybe we should just live our lives the best that "we" can do and figure it out as we go.


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