I'm done!!

I've had successes online, I love this blog and little community. I enjoy facebook for keeping in touch with friends and sharing. Twitter has its perks. My business is online. its a pretty great thing.
Online dating however is not!!
I have met some great people. I have friends that we were just meant for that. Meeting people I really loved getting to know and changed my life for the better.
But apparently its all downhill from here.....
Date #1 Nothing to talk about. Not really feeling. Really awkward. Half the time I didn't even know what he was doing. As it turns out he liked me because he thought I looked like a little girl, the signs were there my friends but I guess I don't go around thinking of people like that, it also made me question my love for Disney and wearing that Lion King Musical t-shirt on the date. He texted me for days after going "hey little girl" EW EW EW EW!
Date #2 He won me over with the sweetest message ever and I loved talking and texting and couldn't wait to for our date. It was a crazy weekend for me so we worked out a breakfast date before I headed to my best friends. We talked for hours and he seemed perfect! We kissed and it was amazing. I was glowing on the way to my best friends and was so glad I could end the day sharing it with her.
The next day I get a txt saying "I have to head up to San Fran, emergency explain later" okay well I've read "he's just not that into you" I got it I was being blown off but I was still happy he helped me moved on from my ex and feel beautiful again.
Then he calls me that night saying a friend committed suicide. I of course went into super supportive mode. Then 3 days later he was going to rehab, it seemed a bit weird but sadly I haven't heard from him sense and I can't find anything about him online.
Date #3- was the worst by far. Didn't like him. Wasn't feeling it. He enjoyed poking me (AND I HATE THAT) and he was a terrible kisser and when I tried to get him to stop he said girls just want that you be in control thing and be chased. Um NO!! I'm leaving now!!
so I give up!!