Lets talk legs


I hate shaving my legs, I hate hate hate it!!!! part of the problem is that I can't bend in certain ways, or if my legs in a piticular position for too long then my legs twitch causing cuts, no fun! I typically by Veet and use that and I love it, easy (minus it can be a bit messy but good way to force me to to clean the bathroom) and I know there won't be missing spots like tend to happen when I shave.

Well I thought summer was long behind me, so I don't have any veet, its 111 here today and there is no way I am going to the grocery store!!! I am wearing a tank top and a short skirt but I can't help but feel Self conscious that my leges aren't shaved, and I have no energy to go in and do it, but it got me thinking if I am not going to leave the house why do I care? its just my roommates?


Maybe it comes from in middle school while everyone else was shaving I was having hip surgery and didn't have time or was able to shave mine and when I did rock the shorts I got made fun of, in High school I remember boys rubbing their girlfriends legs to feel how smooth they are.


last night I slept in my undies and a big t-shirt seeing as I live with guy roommates I never do that, and I always have a fear the house will catch on fire or something.


I decided to not worry so much what my roommates think, Its not like I am meeting anyone I like.

besides they are all running around in swim trunks and no shirts.

but it just got me thinking whats the big deal, like don't get me wrong I love smooth shaved legs, but why should I feel so bad if its one day?


I am a tights girl through and through.


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