I'd like to talk about Creepster


In my roommate search I have come across the creepiest people, we are going to focus on the creepiest of them all for now.

Most people e-mail you or after e-mailing for a couple of times it comes clear they want you as more then a roommate (I really don't understand this at all, one guy told me L.A. is a big city and I would eventually get lonely, I don't think I will get so Lonely I am just going to jump into bed with anyone)

Well I Found two that weren't like that, The one is the one I am currently planning to move into and then the other:

It was a studio not far from school and I would share with this couple, I asked before hand if they wanted me other then a roommate and they said no (you would be surprised and what even couples would want)

I was concerned with being it was a studio having space, I understand couples need space.

Well the guy started Texting me. I told him I had a boyfriend and he did this question thing and well my questions were basic getting to know you (fave movie, foods, music) His were very inappropriate questions and especially for us both being in a relationship!

He is the reason girlfriends check their boyfriends cell phone.

I Never answered them and would tell him that I wasn't comfortable with this kind of thing, that it was between me and my boyfriend, he even asked if I would date him and make up fake scenarios we might end up in.

When I refuse to answer he would say we are just being adults here.

I would tell him I loved my boyfriend or he would ask me if I would massage his hurt back and I would say shouldn't your girlfriend do that?

He makes me mad at the world!!


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